
Measurement properties of instruments to assess pain in children with cancer: A systematic review protocol.

Pain in children and adolescents with cancer has been identified as an area where many healthcare professionals seek guidance. This protocol details a systematic review whose aim is to explore current knowledge regarding measurement instruments to assess pain (and pain-related distress) in children and adolescents with cancer. After completion of the review, the information will be used in the development of a clinical practice guideline.


Loeffen, E.A.H., Stinson, J., Birnie, K.A., van Djik, M., Kulkarni, K., Rijsdijk, M., Font- Gonzalez, A., Dupuis, L.L., van Dalen, E.C., Mulder, R.L., Campbell, F., Tissing, W.J.E., van der Wetering, M.D., & Gibson, F. (2019). BMC Systematic Reviews, 8(1), 33-41.